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Our governance data looks at how involved people are in public life, as well as how they view and discuss political developments, topics and institutions. This data has been analysed in our new country reports in ‘Related Tools’.

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Who has voted or intends to vote in their country’s elections? How much do people trust their national and local governments? Which institutions do people think are holding their government to account? You can find the answers from our governance survey data conducted across Africa, Asia and the Middle East (Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Sierra Leone, Tanzania)

You can view the data by country to see how views have changed over time and how they differ by demographic characteristics.  For example you can see how people’s trust in institutions vary by where they live, their age, their gender, their education, their purchasing power or their audience group. Also look at the data visualisations which summarise this data.


Key insights
63% of Palestinians agreed that they would question a government official if they had the opportunity.
96% of people surveyed in Nepal agreed that media plays an important role in holding the government to account.
69% of people surveyed in Myanmar felt they were free to say what they thought.
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